Getting my backpack stolen by a drug dealer in Thailand

I experienced some problems nearby the Thai-Malaysian border when a drug dealer at my age picked me up at night (that’s not the issue). Drug dealers are usually chill as the only thing that interests them are drugs, so they would never think of doing something bad to me. I often hitchhiked at night only with the purpose to get a place to crash because most of the people that I encountered asked me where I would sleep. They didn’t like the idea of me sleeping outside in my sleeping bag and preferred to invite me over. First of all, we visited the house of a friend of the drug dealer where they got a bit high. Then, we went to a market to buy some food for me (they didn’t eat almost anything).

The drug dealer, let´s call him John, stayed in the car and made another friend, Mike, whom we randomly met in front of the shop, accompany me. Mike could communicate in English a little (unlike John). After a while, the police appeared in the shop and John with his car, where I had my backpack with all my stuff except for my phone and ca $1 in Thai currency, disappeared… 

I was afraid that the police caught him and found my passport in the car together with the drugs that he had. There was a death sentence for dealing with drugs in Thailand, so I really didn’t want to get involve in that. Mike told me that it was going to be all right. I trusted him and tried not to panic. I had no choice anyways. We hopped on his motorcycle and he drove me to a hotel in the middle of nowhere where John´s drunk girlfriend (also a non-English speaker) was staying.  Mike gave me his Line (messaging app), so that we could stay in touch, which calmed me down a bit.

Then, he went to look for John (they were not as good friends as I thought and he didn’t know where John lived). I ate the food we bought, had a shower, put my phone on charge with her charger and went to sleep in my sweaty clothes. The girlfriend disappeared at night but she left some clothes, cosmetics and drugs in the room, which gave me the hope that she would later come back…

Travel Thailand
Thai kids preparing their “medicine”

Get to know whether John was caught by the police and whether I ended up in jail, got my backpack back and much more by buying the book ?

Author: Mika

Hi, I am Michaela Kabourkova. I was born in the Czech Republic in 1996, and during my student years, I was hitchhiking around the world with a very low budget. I completed my master's degree in International Economic Relations in 2022, and decided to write a few books about my life.

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